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2. Informed about journalistic ethics and capable of articulating an ethical decision.

Over the course of my undergraduate career, I have taken numerous courses that have taught me the values of honesty, integrity, and ethics. One of those being: ethics in journalism. The purpose of the class was to address ethical dilemmas faced by journalists and how journalists can us standards, loyalties, processes, and philosophies to make the best ethical decision. The following examples will touch upon how to use one’s professional ethics to make thoughtful decisions in any scenario.


In the first piece of evidence included for this learning outcome, I discuss the ethical dilemmas faced by a newsroom who released a young boy’s identity prior to finding out he had been sexually assaulted. The news outlet had an unbreakable policy; to never release the identity of sexual assault victims. Now that the information is out, the newsroom struggles with conflicts of opinion. In this paper, I discuss the ethical dilemma at hand and advocate for the most ethical solution.


The next piece of evidence is an activity I completed for my internship seminar course. For my assignment, I was given a workplace scenario. The main goal was to consider the ethical dilemma happening in the given workplace scenario, and to propose the most ethical decision. 


My last piece of evidence for this learning outcome is an illustration I created for a Public Relations/Journalism cross-listed class. The goal was to analyze, reflect, and highlight my understanding of the PRSA Code of Ethics in a creative way. Journalism and Public Relations Code of Ethics differ in many ways, but the overall message remains the same: to always uphold the highest ethical values in the profession.
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